Project notes

Remarks after the first dive:


- ropes for cards & pencils need to be longer

- we need to test if we can write with waterproof markers under water (to be cleaned afterwards with alcohol, like this we'd not have to scratch all cards)  using rough transparent tape works perfectly

- First 5-10 minutes under water need to be a continuation of the seminar, showing people "in the field" what lives where and which species is which.

- a de-briefing BEFORE filling in the questionnaire is needed to help people with questions and observations

- the seminar / key has to be based on shapes, not on colours (below 10 metres it can be distinguished if a fish is coloured or silverish, but different colours cannot be distinguished! Red is lost - at 10m Apogon imberbis is black, not red!)


- Need to make sure that if we let participants fill in the socio-questionnaire by hand we need to connect it to their user account!!


- how to remove "buddy bias"?  a buddy pair is likely to have similar results!

- galleries should be linked to dives (so that a user can upload pictures from a specific dive to the site) but webforms would not allow this (they aren't nodes and thus cannot be linked to other nodes), would need cck for this...

- think about how to integrate a taxonomy (probably just use scratchpads as a basis for a future installation profile so that users have taxonomies and taxon pages) which images, sampling (diving) events etc could be linked to .


- Webforms are definitely too slow! takes ages with the views to get the data out, probably better to create content types for dives and use these in views! these can also be nicely integrated into modules so that simply an installation is needed.